Livelihood Support
We support vulnerable families with income-generating activities and employment opportunities. We coordinate our efforts to rehabilitate internally displaced and re-displaced persons and to restore their normal life.
Emergency Relief
Emergency relief program to respond to the needs of vulnerable families and communities as needed.

Elfe Fite
Elfe Fite (Age 35, female)
Address: Kebele: Aga
District: Choman Guduru
Zone: Horo Guduru Wollega
Elfe, who is 35 years aged, is the resident of Aga Kebele. She is a widow and breadwinner of her family who are five (all of them are her children/sons under 18 years). Elfe can’t read and write like most other women in her village. Her husband has died seven years back due to inter-personal conflict with other person. Since then, on top of the grief about her husband’s death, Elfe has been forced to shoulder the family burden alone. Because of low income and most of the times unable to fulfill her children’s food requirement, her all children did not had the opportunity to education. Three of them are hired to work on others farm. Elfe used to rely on making local beverage and casual labor on farm of others to generate income for her family’s existence. She didn’t own a plot of land and now she live in a rented house in a village of Aga. Elfe has been selected by the established community beneficiary selection committee of the project with the fact that she is living under desperate situation having five children without any support, but yet striving to change her-self and her family life. Elfe is very enthusiastic about the support that she has got, a pregnant sheep that helps her as a springboard to improve her family’s life. At the handing over occasion of small ruminants to Elfe and other similar beneficiaries in her village, Elfe applaud WMA and Gurmuu with words of thanks for the support they have got. She is encouraged to reproduce/multiply the sheep to two and above, and dedicated to send at least two of her younger children to school.

Zebenu Takale
ZebenuTakale (Age 25, female)
Address: Kebele: Ref Gudane
District: Choman Guduru
Zone: Horro Guduru Wollega
Zebenu who is a 25 years old woman is a beneficiary of the small ruminants support project in Ref Gudane Kebele of Choman Guduru District. She is a family head after being divorced of her husband. Zebenu’s children did not attend school as she could not able to send them to school. She makes living by small plot of land (0.125 ha) that is supplemented by petty business, local beverage making, and casual labor in farm activities. Zebenu is selected by the community beneficiary selection committee of the project because of her destitute situation. Zebenu feels optimism to come out of her poverty situation with the current project support that she has obtained. She says, “God bless the Wabii Maccaa Association for remembering poor people like me”.

Aragu Bikila
Aragu Bikila (Age 20, female)
Address: Kebele: Sochoosaa Gammachisaa
District: Jima Rare Woreda
Zone: Horro Guduru Wollega
Argau, age 20, married at a very young age and never went to school. Her husband is a daily laborer working for farmers in the village. She is caring for her first child on her back.
We are committed to advocating for multi-dimensional aspects that may affect our people's lives, including, not limited to, basic human rights, conservation of natural resources, quality of education, and health.

Ibsa Waloo Waldoota Gargaarsaa Afuriitiin Kenname waa’ee ajechaa Haacaaluu Hundeessaa irratti
Joint Statement of Four Oromo Charitable Organizations on Killing of Prominent and Beloved Oromo Artist and Activist Hacaaluu Hundeessaa

Primary targets
Vulnerable children, women, youth, families, and communities
Wabii Maccaa Association Action Stop COVID -19 With WMA
Wabii Maccaa Association (WMA) aims to mobilize resources to respond to the COVID-19 crisis to provide relief and rehabilitation in Western Oromia.
In the long term, WMA also intends to assist in achieving sustainable development in the region. More urgently, with Oromo physicians' help, WMA has started to disseminate the necessary information through different media. We are also trying to provide the required equipment (Personal Protective Equipment) to the health care personnel of the areas under question. We must do this fast as it is a matter of life and death.
We will coordinate our joint efforts to rehabilitate internally displaced residents and restore basic social services in the most affected areas where existing socio-economic infrastructures (schools, health institutions, bridges, etc.) and residents' houses were demolished, burnt, or badly damaged.
Water Development
We support economic initiatives (income-generating activities and employment opportunities for the unemployed), improve access to education and health